December 23, 2013

Got a new song started with great drums and piano in the bag - The Dreams I Dream. More news to follow but this is sounding cool already!! Incase anyobne remembers, this was the song we stared working out a few weeks back provisionally titled 'Madaas (or Manass, depending on your preferences ;-)) Masurka'.

Last weekend, I put some vocals down on 'Bliss' after redoing the guitars and a bit of mixing. Pad did some new keyboards, though we just had to keep some of the best bits of the original live take as there was some magic happening betweeen the keys and drums which we are trying our utmost to capture on these new songs. Bliss is sounding like it's title, and only needs Vince's vocals, general harmonies and a bass guitar to be finished. This said, Pad  is intending to put some new keyboard stuff on the first part of the song, mainly on the choruses!
           Gareth x x

Et oui le travail avance ! Bliss sur lequel nous travaillons depuis quelques temps et sur lequel il reste encore un peu de choses a faire (basse, deuxième voix et une partie des claviers) et un nouveau que nous avons mis en route ce soir : The Dreams I Dream. La méthode reste la même. Nous avons enregistré tous ensemble et sans clic. Une seule prise aura suffit ce soir pour avoir une super prise batterie. Dans la foulé j'ai refais la prise piano qui n'était pas très stable... et voilà le socle batterie piano est dans est dans la boite !


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